Joint Degree Programs
J.D./M.P.A. Joint Degree Program
Looking to embark on a career of public service? The School of Law, in conjunction with the Department of Political Science, offers a joint degree program in which students can earn both their Juris Doctorate and Master of Public Administration degrees in three years, along with summer course enrollment.
Students who are interested in both degree programs must first apply and be accepted to the School of Law. In the spring semester of their first year of law school, interested joint degree students would then apply to the MPA program. The MPA admissions committee will review the application and make a recommendation regarding admission. If accepted to the MPA program, students will begin their MPA coursework the following fall semester/start of their second year of law school and be officially classified as a joint degree student at that time.
J.D./MBA Joint Degree Program
The ultimate step toward success — the University of Dayton's combined J.D./MBA enables you to obtain two professional degrees concurrently and conveniently. The School of Law and the School of Business Administration will work with you to design the specific requirements of your program and save you valuable time. When you've completed the program, your credentials will double your opportunities.
To apply for admission to the joint degree program, you must meet the admission requirements of both the School of Law and the School of Business Administration. Full applications should be submitted to both schools, along with all other records and data required. You should indicate to each office that you are seeking admission to the joint program.
Upon admission you will be enrolled in the J.D. and MBA programs simultaneously. The first year of coursework is normally in the School of Law if you have not already started your MBA coursework, so you are advised to contact the School of Law early.
J.D./M.S. in Educational Administration Joint Degree Program
The School of Law and the School of Education offer a joint program leading to both a J.D. and a Master of Science in Education. The design and requirements of the program are determined by you, to provide the flexibility you need to meet your needs and career plans.
Students should consult both the School of Law and the School of Education for more details about this unique opportunity.
Custom Joint Degree Programs
The School of Law allows students to create joint degree programs with the permission of the Associate Dean and the University graduate program. Students must contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for information.